Friday, June 3, 2011

Indoor - outdoor shots

When you photograph your dog indoors and outdoors, there are different challenges.

For indoors you need to be concerned about lighting. Ideally you have at least two light sources of which one can be natural light - the light coming in from your windows. Avoid direct sunlight that creates too many shadows. Add a secondary light from your flash, ideally removed from your camera so that you can avoid the dreaded glare in the eyes.

If you have a skylight, the natural light may be enough and create a beautiful atmosphere.

Outdoors very different challenges arise. It may be either too bright, creating harsh lighting:

Or it may be too dark so you have to use a high ISO, leading to increased grain in the images. If you want to catch action, you also need to use a fast shutter speed to keep it all in focus. In this following example the 1/320 sec was not fast enough:

Of course, there is also more distraction for the dog, the dog moves around more, you need to keep your camera gear safe of water, other dogs and flying dirt. Don't give up and shoot lots, using the continuous shutter if possible.

Try and catch the action! In this case I used the flash that helped freeze the motion. Look for the treat. I wonder if he is going to catch it!

Get out there with your dog and your camera and enjoy this time together!

To book a pet portrait session with PPP-Photography, contact us today.

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