Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What's in an album

I recently delivered an album to my cat-owning customers Kylee, her mother Lori and uncle Larry. The family owns two Siamese cross cats, Poppy and Willow. One very large and ginger in colour with a striking resemblance to Garfield, the other small and slim, almost white with some patches in her face and the tail. Willow is still a young kitten and colour changes are apparent even between the original shooting date and now.

An album is a fully customized book, based on 10 double spreads. The book is constructed so that there are no folds in the centre so that images can be placed across the full double spread. I produce these albums in 12"x12" and it usually includes 25 to 30 images from the shoot. 

Here are Larry and Kylee as they receive their customized album "Poppy and Willow".

Poppy has a good look too. She is almost life size in this double spread image.

I was so happy to see how pleased Larry and Kylee were with the production. To get your own album of your cat, dog, horse, rabbit or your whole family - contact me!


  1. love love love all the photos. the album is beautiful. the photos are so life like its unbelievable! VERY HAPPY with the outcome...Kylee

  2. Hi Kylee.

    I am so glad you and your uncle are happy with the album. I wish you lots of years of joy with it!
